Saturday, February 9, 2013

Free Write Revenue Streams

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Google Free Keyword Tool External

I've built a successful Internet Business mainly using free resources available on the web and one of the favorite free resources I use each time I write content is the Google Keyword Tool External.  The Google Keyword Tool External lets me compare the competition of words and phrases, view statistics of global and local monthly searches, ad share, local search trends, and approximate cost-per-click search results.  Giving yourself an insight before you start to write helps with better Search Engine Optimization.


How It Works

The Google Adword Keyword Tool External has three ways to look up keywords and keyword phrases.

1:  KeyWords or Phrases
If you submit the following keywords or phrases earn money online, earn income online or earn money the free way on the Internet into the Word and Phrase field in the Adsense Keyword Tool External, keywords and phrases with relevancy will show in the results.  This is good because viewing a list of relative keywords and phrases will help you think outside of your box by presenting you with similar relative keywords and phrases that can help you write better content.

2:  Website URL

Another way you can look up Keywords and Phrases is by submitting a URL into the Website field.  Using this option within the Adsense Keyword Tool External  can help you immediately after you publish new content or you can use it to easily update keywords and phrases to an article, blog or website that you update regularly.  The Google Keyword Tool External will crawl/spider the HTML of the article, blog or website and suggest keywords or phrases that match the content.

3:  Category

The third way you can look up keywords and phrases is by category.  All you need to do is type a category into the Category field, click search and keyword and phrase results will show in the results.

When using any of the three ways when looking up keywords and phrases the first lines of results show the exact keywords and phrases you typed into the fields.  The results below the exact keywords or phrases show suggested keywords and phrases to help stimulate more ideas.  Anytime I write a new article, blog or website, one of the first tasks I do is a keyword and phrase search because doing so helps me better content.

The Traffic Estimator Sandbox has its own unique address and will lead you to the Adword Keyword Tool External too.  View keyword and phrase traffic statistics too.
Traffic Estimator Sandbox.

To learn how to use the Google Adword Keyword Tool External, you can watch the video below.